Democrat MaryJane Shimsky Criticizes Incumbent Tom Abinanti for Siding with GOP by Voting Against Local Control of Handgun Fees

Shimsky Calls on Abinanti to Change His Vote Before Final Bill Comes to Assembly Floor

WESTCHESTER, N.Y. – MaryJane Shimsky, Democrat for State Assembly in the 92nd District, today called out incumbent Tom Abinanti for being the lone Democrat in the Assembly Codes Committee to side with Republicans against legislation giving Westchester County control of handgun licensing fees, which have not been raised in 20 years. The bill, A7939, passed the Codes Committee despite Mr. Abinanti’s opposition and is currently in the Assembly Rules Committee. According to Westchester County, the outdated processing fee—capped at $10 by New York State law—costs taxpayers approximately $300,000 annually.

“I want to know why Mr. Abinanti thinks Westchester taxpayers should subsidize the cost of procuring pistol licenses, rather than those who are buying the firearms,”said Shimsky. “This is unsound fiscal policy at any time, and an especially callous vote to cast at a time when our nation is shaken and grieving from the tragedies in Buffalo and Uvalde. Westchester County has been covering the costs of processing new pistol licenses. But that commitment could change in a future administration, putting the long-term financial sustainability of these essential investigations at risk.”

Currently in Westchester County, original applicants pay $10 for a pistol license fee, which is kept by the County, and $105.25 for a fingerprint processing fee, which the County deposits and then sends to the State. By contrast, Nassau County and New York City are exempt from the cap and charge fees that meet their processing costs. The application cost is $200 in Nassau County and $340 in New York City. Both Nassau County and New York City require an additional $88.25 fingerprint processing fee.
